Adbri Cement proud to join the Port Adelaide Cricket Club Awards night

Adbri Cement (ABC) Raw Materials Specialist Andrew Moffatt recently represented ABC at the Port Adelaide Cricket Club (PACC) awards night.

Mr Moffatt said: “I had the pleasure of representing Adbri Cement, with my wife Sue, at the PACC “Eric Freeman” awards night. It was great to see the results of a well-run community sporting club, in particular the strength of their women’s teams.”

“All community clubs struggled during and post Covid and it was great to see the club’s efforts by very passionate volunteers, along with contributions from sponsors such as ABC, help the club to thrive,” Mr Moffatt said.

Mr Moffatt said the PACC President and members conveyed their sincere appreciation for ABC’s support.

Supporting local sporting and community groups is just one of the ways that Adbri Cement is building a better Australia.