Alternative Fuel Increased Rate Trial

Increasing our use of RDF

Building on the successful use of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) over the last 18 years, ABC seeks to continue working with the community and the South Australian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to gradually increase RDF from 90% replacement of natural gas to 100% used in our calciner. ABC has obtained EPA approval to run a trial to meet this objective, by gradually increasing the use of RDF in a series of staged multi-day trials over a three-month period commencing in October 2022.

RDF is a process-engineered fuel, produced from construction and demolition waste that is sorted and processed at an off-site facility. It is a critical fossil fuel replacement used by cement plants round the world to reduce their carbon footprint by diverting waste from landfill.
Currently RDF replaces 90% of natural gas (fossil fuel), used in the calciner at our Birkenhead facility. If the trial is successful, and after consulting with the community and our broader stakeholders, we would look to seek permanent approval for the increased usage rate demonstrated by the trial.

Successful expansion of the use of RDF will support ABC to:

• Maintain local manufacturing jobs in South Australia
• Strengthen local manufacture of critical materials
• Increase our contribution to sustainability and the circular economy
• Reduce emissions intensity of our kiln fuels as we transition to a net zero emissions future

Our strategic objective is to offer the lowest carbon, lowest cost, locally produced cement products in the Australian market. We achieve this by supporting local employment, minimising our environmental footprint, and building trusting relationships with our stakeholders.

ABC is committed to investing in new products and processes to minimise environmental impacts, divert waste materials from landfill into beneficial re-use and contribute to a low carbon circular economy. These ambitions are in pursuit of industry best practice and aligned with Cement Industry Federation (CIF) targets for Australia’s cement and clinker manufacturing sector to pursue
net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Since 2003, we have pioneered the use of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) in the cement and lime industry in Australia. RDF is a process-engineered fuel, produced from construction and demolition waste and is used in our process to replace the use of fossil fuels.

Further information

For further information about Refused Derived Fuel, please see our Fact Sheet or visit our RDF website page and FAQs.

Please see Adbri’s website for further information about our Net Zero Road Map.