CCF visitors tour Adbri Cement Birkenhead facility

Adbri recently welcomed a large group of members of the Civil Contractors Federation (CCF) to our Adbri Cement (ABC) Birkenhead manufacturing facility.

The tour included our central control room, laboratory, kiln, firing platform (with our recently installed Unitherm burner – which improves environmental performance), packaged products facility and the bulk loading area at the wharf on the Port Adelaide River.

We explained the significant employment and investment contribution that we make to the national and local economies.

The CCF group also learned how ABC has led the way in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil fuels with alternative fuels. Our general purpose cement, made at Birkenhead, has Australia’s lowest embodied carbon.

General Manager Operations (SA/NSW/NT) Michael Williams thanked the Birkenhead team for implementing the site tour and explaining operations to our visitors.