Update on recent dust event

17 May, 2024

This is a follow-up to the update on the recent dust event provided on the Adbri Cement Birkenhead Community website on 15/5/2024.

Adbri has undertaken tests which confirm that dust from the Birkenhead plant recently left the site.

We acknowledge and sincerely apologise for the impact on the local community.

The team at Adbri’s Birkenhead manufacturing facility has now identified the sources of the event and has taken immediate remediation measures. 

The major sources of the dust event were a mechanical issue with a fan and an open vent in a materials storage shed onsite.

The fan has been fixed and containment of the shed has been completed.

Please be assured that the Adbri Birkenhead team is keeping vigil across the facility to monitor the containment measures.

Thank you to community members who have alerted Adbri Cement’s Birkenhead manufacturing facility about the dust event.

We invite anyone impacted by the event to contact us via the 24/7 hotline 83000520 or via email: BHCommunity@adbri.com.au.